Governor Quinn Visits Chicago’s Hydro, Inc. as Illinois’ Unemployment Rate Continues to Drop

Hydro CEO and Founder, George Harris (at podium), and Governor Pat Quinn (left)

Hydro CEO and Founder, George Harris (at podium), and Governor Pat Quinn (left)

CHICAGO – As Illinois’ unemployment rate continued to fall to its lowest point in six years, Governor Pat Quinn today visited Hydro, Inc. in Chicago to discuss the state’s ongoing economic recovery. Over the past six months, Illinois’ unemployment rate has fallen faster than any other state in the country. Illinois’ unemployment rate dropped for the sixth consecutive month, from 6.8 to 6.7 percent in August, its lowest level since August 2008 and lower than when the Governor took office. Today’s event is part of the Governor’s agenda to create jobs and drive Illinois’ economy forward.

“Hardworking women and men across our state are back on the job and today’s numbers are proof that Illinois’ comeback continues,” Governor Quinn said. “More people are working today than at any time in the past six years and that is thanks in part to companies like Hydro who are staking their future right here in the Land of Lincoln. While we have more work to do, we are getting the job done and Illinois is headed in the right direction.”

The Illinois unemployment rate fell in August for the sixth consecutive month to reach 6.7 percent while employers created 13,800 jobs, according to data released earlier today by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Illinois Department of Employment Security. This is the lowest rate since August 2008 and the drop from 9.2 percent one year ago marks the largest year-over-year decline in 30 years.


The complete article and video footage is available at:…

Rotating Equipment Expert Dr. Gary Dyson Joins The Hydro Team

Dr. Gary Dyson, Hydro Global Engineering Services

Dr. Gary Dyson, Hydro Global Engineering Services

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Gary Dyson will be joining Hydro Companies. Gary will be headquartered in the UK in our new engineering center, Hydro Global Engineering Services. This engineering center will provide the highest level of support to the Hydro network of service locations and will help solve the complex engineering problems associated with pumping equipment.

Hydro Engineering Services will provide a system that all locations can access so that we can continue to help our customers modify, upgrade and re-rate their equipment. He has expertise in hydraulic and mechanical engineering across many manufacturers and industries.

Dr. Gary Dyson has spent his entire career working with rotating equipment. He gained his PhD from Cranfield University for his work using Computational Fluid Dynamics to predict the time dependent nature of pump hydraulic performance at off-design conditions. He has used his hydraulic expertise to help many customers to re-work their equipment to improve reliability, performance and efficiency. During his time working for Clydeunion, Weir Pumps, David Brown Pumps and Mather + Platt Pumps, Dr. Dyson has developed expertise on equipment from complex multi-stage barrel pumps to single stage OH2 machines. Alongside support for Centrifugal pumps Hydro Global Engineering Services has also added expertise to support the requirements of their customers on reciprocating machines. They can advise on plunger pumps and direct acting pump repairs, upgrades and performance modifications.


We welcome Gary and his great wealth of experience to the Hydro team!

Eraring Power Station – NSW, Australia

Vertical Condensate Extraction Pump Upgrade

Written by: Greg James, Hydro Australia
Publisher: Pumps & Systems / October 2014


Station History
Eraring Power Station, located in the coal belt area at Lake Macquarie on the central coast of New South Wales, began generating in 1982, with all four units commissioned between 1982 and 1984. Formerly state owned under the banner of Eraring Energy until mid 2013, the station is now owned by Origin Energy, one of Australia’s largest electricity generators and retailers.

The power station underwent a significant upgrade during 2010 to 2012, increasing the output of all four generating units from 660MW to 720MW each. Eraring is the largest generating unit in the Origin group and has established itself as Australia’s largest power station since the upgrade.

Condensate Extraction Pumps
The pumps are the standard arrangement of condensate extraction pump used in the power generation industry: underfloor, vertically mounted, canned design, 4 stages with a double suction impeller and inline suction and discharge ports. Each of the four generating units has two 100% duty pumps, driven by a 1850kW 4 pole, electric motor.

For more than a few years, the life of the thrust bearing has been subjected to scrutiny after causing numerous premature failures and constant concern for the Station Operators, Maintenance Engineers and Management. The thrust bearing design was typical for the period that the pumps were manufactured, tapered back to back roller design incorporating both thrust and radial loads and the drive coupling configuration as part of the bearing cartridge.

Station Engineers had been researching the upgrade design options for a period of time, calling on the original equipment manufacturer, aftermarket service centres and bearing manufacturers for input and options to overcome this troublesome plant and work towards the best possible solution.

Contract Overview
In 2012, Eraring Energy released a tender for the upgrade project to several service providers. The project included a sizeable work scope including design and supply of a new white metal bearing cartridge with an appropriate pedestal and several other new components.

The contract specifications require maintaining the same pump drive couplings, electric motor, mechanical seal cartridge and as many of the original pump components, meaning there was substantial engineering work required by the Hydro Australia Engineers.

Contract Award
A contract of this size was sought after by several original equipment manufacturers and Hydro Australia Pty. Ltd. located in the Gippsland region at Morwell Victoria was awarded the contract late in 2012. The contract runs for a period of 4 years with the first pump installation completed in April 2013 and the final pump due for installation in 2016.


Additional Requirements & Spare Pump
With the knowledge and experience of Hydro Australia with the supply of engineered spare parts, a major undertaking was to supply and a complete new discharge head, a first for Hydro Australia. The 2.5 m high and 1.7 m wide discharge head is the most significant component of the pump as it ties everything together. Other new components were manufactured by Hydro Australia including impellers, stage cases, wear rings, couplings and shafts. The new components complete with the stations spare parts, enabled a complete spare pump to be manufactured. This spare pump gives flexibility and relieves time critical exchanges and on the run maintenance. Continue reading

Hydro’s Perspective On The Global Aftermarket

Written by: Sarah Schroer
Publisher: Pump Engineer Magazine / May, 2014


Hydro is a global leader in the pump aftermarket repairs, upgrades and engineering solutions.

Pump companies typically fall into one of two categories: the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) that design, build, and sell pumps; and smaller, local machine repair shops. But Hydro offers the pump industry the best of both worlds. George Harris, one of the original founding engineers and current CEO, explains Hydro’s unique worldwide market position: “We have developed a unique niche where we have the engineering services, the testing capabilities, and the worldwide footprint that the large OEMs have, but we still maintain the exibility and the cost-effectiveness of the smaller companies.”

Harris also emphasizes that engineers are the heart of the company. Nick Dagres, the Vice President of Nuclear Operations in Chicago, notes that “We focus on aftermarket services and support. We implement engineering modifications to improve the performance of pumps that are out in the field.” By offering pump rebuilding, engineering, and upgrading at each service centre, Hydro can more effectively service the special needs and requirements of customers in each region. Staying close to the customer is one of the fundamental tenets of Hydro’s strategy and culture.


(Left) Hydro’s long list of services include welding-related repairs, such as performed on this 2 ½” Pacific RL IJ charging pump. (Right) A thorough quality inspection is carried out by Hydro’s detail oriented engineers.

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Hydro Middle East team earns API certifications in record time

Though it usually takes between one and two years to receive accredation for an internationally recognized quality control program; through tireless effort and excellent teamwork, Hydro Middle East has managed to receive their accreditation in less than six months. Having an accredited QA/QC program is vital to attracting new business and this rapid implementation was necessary to ensure successful start-up phase for HME.

They began their quest in September, 2013 when they hired Haran, a metallurgist and welding engineer, as their QA manager. The brand-new team began to put together the systems, policies and procedures that formed the basis of their QA/QC program.

In February, the API (American Petroleum Institute) held an in-depth, four-day audit, the result of which was that the auditor recommended HME be awarded all of the certifications for which they applied.

According to HME’s director, Thomas Arakal, the results of this audit “represent a watershed in HME’s development as a professional service provider in the Middle East Market. To achieve such a recommendation from the API auditor after such a short period of operations is indeed a testament to our teamwork and of what can be achieved with vision, belief and perseverance.”