
Employee Onboarding - 2. Selling Hydro

Employee Onboarding - 2. Selling Hydro




9 videos totaling 61.5 minutes 1. "Batch of 21 Pumps Tested & Validated Under Expedited Conditions" video - 3 min 2. "Pump Testing Solves Bearing Housing Resonant Vibration" video - 4.5 min 3 "Root Cause Analysis Uncovers Casting Defects in Critical Boiler Feedwater Unit" video - 4 min 4. Long Term Agreements (Thomas Arakal, 2018 Sales Meeting) - 33 min 5. TST_Seth Sebastian_Test Lab and Valero - 1.5 min 6. TST_Travis Puente_Test Lab - 2.5 min 7. TST_Travis Puente_Test Lab and Valero - 1 min 8. Our Niche (George Harris, 2012 Employee Orientation) - 7 min 9. T 2019 GHarris Elevator Speech - 5 min