
From its inception, Hydro’s core competency has been pump rebuilding. Our managers and technical staff all have extensive experience in the pump industry and have previously worked for major pump companies including Byron Jackson, Delaval, Fairbanks Morse, Flowserve, Flygt, Goulds, Ingersoll Rand, KSB, Pacific, Sulzer, Union Pump, United, Weir and Worthington.
As a result of having continually added experienced pump people to our organization, we have a diversified and in-depth pump knowledge that we believe is unique in our industry.
Hydro also had the good fortune of working for many years under the direction of Dr. Elemer Makay, an independent consultant to the power generation industry and a well-known authority on high energy pumps. Hydro acquired the entire body of his research and the designs and modifications which he and his company completed over the years.
This research combined with 25 years of training and close cooperation between our companies has contributed to Hydro’s becoming a leader in engineered improvements and life cycle extension for pumps.