
Ares Panagoulias Recognized by Pumps & Systems as a “Top 10 Pump Professional”

a group of people in a roomHydro is excited to announce that our very own Ares Panagoulias has been chosen by Pumps and Systems Magazine as one of “2021’s 10 Pump Professionals to Watch”.  This annual list is compiled and curated by the editors and the editorial board of Pumps and Systems Magazine, the premier industry publication for the North American Pump Industry. The list recognizes some of the best and the brightest in the pump industry.

a group of people posing for the cameraAn Eye Toward the Future

Ares has been with Hydro since August of 2011, starting as Test Lab Engineer, then quickly rising through the ranks to become Test Lab Manager, then Sales & Engineering Manager of Wireless Condition Monitoring, and now he is The Director of Condition Monitoring and Test Lab.

Ares’ contributions to both Hydro and the pump industry are quite substantial given the relatively short time he’s been in the field. His commitment to keeping Hydro on the cutting edge of pump technology is one of the many reasons we agree that Ares Panagoulias is a standout in the pump industry. Congratulations Ares!


Case Study: Batch of 21 Pumps Tested & Validated Under Expedited Conditions from Hydro, Inc. on Vimeo.

a group of people in a room

Moving Forward Together – Centaur Monitoring & Diagnostic Center

a group of people sitting at a desk in front of a windowHydro is proud to announce the inauguration of the Centaur Monitoring and Diagnostic Center at the HydroAire Service 40th Street location in Chicago, Illinois, USA. The M&D Center supports end-users who monitor their critical equipment through Hydro’s condition monitoring service, Centaur. Having a dedicated space for monitoring and analysis facilitates a quick response when emergent issues are detected.

Ease of Mind: An Expert Set of Eyes

Centaur allows real-time remote access to live and historical equipment data, enabling Hydro’s team of skilled vibration specialists to perform advanced asset monitoring in tandem with the equipment end users. As part of Centaur’s standard service offering, the engineering team provides monitoring oversight, monthly health reports, and advanced analytical support.

The Centaur engineering team is supplemented by Hydro’s global engineering network. As an unbiased presence in the aftermarket for over 50 years, Hydro has amassed critical experience over a broad spectrum of manufacturers, designs, and applications. This cross-OEM experience is leveraged when making diagnoses and recommending remedial actions. Continue reading

Hydro, Inc.’s Centaur IIoT Solution Detects Cracked Coupling at Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant

Hydro recently began monitoring several pump-motor trains at a municipal wastewater treatment plant using Hydro’s condition monitoring solution, Centaur. Centaur collects and stores real-time vibration and temperature levels. Hydro’s in-house analysts use this data to support end-users by evaluating equipment condition and making recommendations to minimize downtime and maximize the lifespan of the monitored machinery.



For this installation, the Centaur engineering team outfitted wireless accelerometers at specific points on multiple machine trains. The monitored locations include the motor outboard bearing housing, motor inboard bearing housing, pump inboard bearing housing, and pump outboard bearing housing, as shown below.

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Damus Limited Executes an Exclusive Agency Agreement with Hydro, Inc.

We are pleased to inform you that Damus Limited has executed an exclusive agency agreement with Hydro, Inc.

logo, icon, company nameThis agreement authorizes Damus to actively market, develop and pursue, inter-alia, engineered pump solution opportunities which will not only benefit Hydro and Damus but the various sectors of the economies of Trinidad and Tobago, as well as the wider Caribbean region. Whilst Damus is traditionally known in the fabricating and stationary mechanical equipment maintenance space, we see this partnership as a strategic initiative to increase our value proposition to our customers.

As the leading US technical service provider for pumps, Hydro, Inc. has assisted global customers with pump repair, utilizing engineering/reverse engineering capabilities, test lab services, and parts production (Hydro Parts Solutions). Since 1969, Hydro has proven its capability to repair and re-engineer pumps faster and at a higher or equal level of quality than even the OEMs.

Hydro also possesses an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system specifically configured for the pump re-building process. This system catalogs all parts built for the customer in a database which allows Hydro to efficiently provide backup parts for future repairs and overhauls with shorter delivery times than if these parts were ordered directly from the OEM.

Hydro and Damus would welcome the opportunity to present our full suite of services to your technical and procurement teams to gain an understanding of your Company’s needs and assess how we may best be of service. Given current Covid-related limitations on travel and meetings in person, we propose that our initial meeting be held virtually so that Hydro’s overseas experts may participate. Ultimately, our aim will be for Damus to become registered and prequalified to access future bid or direct-source opportunities related to the services offered by Hydro/Damus.

We trust that the Hydro/Damus association and the services being offered will be of interest to you and your team and we look forward to arranging a meeting in the future to initiate discussions.

Please do not hesitate to contact us today or call our Damus representative, Josiah Ragbir, at (868) 751-6402 should you require additional information.

Gearbox Refurbishment Solves Performance Problems in Australia

Not only does Hydro Australia service centrifugal pumps, but for over twenty years, the team has been refurbishing gearboxes for their clients. Being part of Hydro’s worldwide network of service centers enables Hydro Australia to achieve great success by working alongside fellow engineers for technical support, expedited parts solutions, and the shared wealth of Hydro’s cross-OEM experience. On this particular gearbox refurbishment, Hydro Australia called upon Hydro Richards in Canada to manufacture two new white metal bearings. Continue reading