• Certified Pump Performance Testing

    Hydro designed and built a cutting-edge Test Lab tailored to industry demands and specifications. Focused on expedited lead times, flexibility, and data transparency, Hydro has broken the mold of traditional pump testing.

Testing Services
for Vertical, Horizontal,
and Submersible Pumps

    Key Features Include:

  • Certified Hydraulic Institute (HI) test lab in compliance with HI testing standards, e.g. 14.6 and 40.6
  • API 610 testing standards on applicable pumps, including variable speed testing
  • Capable of testing horizontal, vertical, and submersible pumps
  • Flow capacities up to 42,000 gpm
  • Horsepower capacity of 5000 HP
  • Multiple Variable Frequency Drives, including Siemens 5000 HP 2300-4160 V drive
  • State-of-the-art data collection systems for hydraulic performance, vibration, temperature, power, etc.

Designed for the
Pump Aftermarket

The Test Lab is designed in compliance with Hydraulic Institute Standards and API 610. It’s capable of testing horizontal, vertical, and submersible pumps up to 5,000 HP. With pump testing at Hydro, Inc.’s Test Lab, customers can improve reliability, reduce unforeseen costs, and prevent pump failures.

diagram, engineering drawing

Energy Savings

The rising cost of electrical power has caused many industrial plants to shift their focus to energy efficiency. Plants often run pumping equipment continuously, and much research has pointed to opportunities for cost savings by optimizing pumping equipment.

When evaluating the potential for energy savings, end users cannot consider a pump in isolation. The suitability of the pump for the system within which it operates is vital. Even the best designed and most efficient equipment offers power-saving potential if it is run off its best efficiency point (BEP) in a system for which it is ill-applied.


Setting New Standards

The Hydraulic Institute (HI) is a non-profit organization established to enhance the effective, efficient and economic use of pumps through the development of industry pump standards and educational tools for effective application, testing, installation, operation, maintenance, and performance optimization of pumps and pumping systems.

For more information on the Hydraulic Institute's Test Lab Approval Program (PTLAP), visit their website at pumps.org.


Remote Witness Testing

The Hydro Performance Test Lab is fully equipped to support remote witness testing.

For customers to feel assured of the quality of work being performed as promised, witness testing allows for a transparent and convenient opportunity.

Hydro offers customers the opportunity to witness any part of the job scope–not only performance tests, but setup and installation processes as well. This includes soft foot and pipe strain checks and machine train alignments.

Key Features:

  • Meeting sessions through multiple platforms (Teams, Zoom, TurboMeeting, etc.)
  • Screen sharing capabilities to show real-time hydraulic and vibration data
  • Live video feed of the pump test arrangement from six (6) different camera angles
  • Communication with the Test Engineer and other Hydro representatives
  • Customers can include multiple team members in the remote witness test meeting sessions (managers, engineers, operators, etc.)

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find answers to some commonly asked questions here in our FAQ section, and if you have more questions, or just want to learn more about how it all works, give us a call. In our world, there is nothing more important than the health of your pumps. We’re partners - not suppliers. We look forward to speaking with you.

Connect with an Expert

Ares Panagoulias | Director of Condition Monitoring and Test Lab

Ares is responsible for engineering, sales, marketing for Condition Monitoring and Test Lab services and products primarily to support the Nuclear (safety and non-safety related), Power Utility, Pipeline, and Oil & Gas industries.

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